4. September
Lebkuchen, jetzt schon?
Ja, tatsächlich gab es schon die ersten Aufsteller mit den bekannten Weihnachtsgebäcken. Da ich keine dieses Jahr um Weihnachten bekommen kann habe ich gleich zugegriffen.


Usually I would buy gingerbread later the year but due to I won't get it later around Christmas I just grabbed a package. It's technically still summer but you already can buy it in the grocery store.

1. September
Die beste Torte die es meines wissen gibt, und am besten schmeckt sie von der Oma. Die mir bekannte Torte ist nicht wie aus dem ursprünglichen Rezept aus Bayern mit Schockoladenbuttercreme und Schockoladenguss sondern mit Schichten aus Buttercreme, Marzipan und Sauerkirschmarmelade, und einer Zuckerglasur, viel besser ;-)

Wegen des hohen Arbeitsaufwands beim Backen und Füllen der einzelnen Schichten muss es ein besonderer Anlass da sein, zu dem wir den Kuchen essen, runde Geburtstage, Hochzeitsfeiern und Weihnachten waren einer davon. Heute war ebenfalls einer ;-)


The best cake I know of is "Prinzregententorte", and of course it tastes best from my grandma. The cake was first mentioned in the 19th century in Bavaria, and it is originally made of multiple layers of sponge mixture with again several layers of chocolate buttercream and chocolate. My grandma used to put different stuffing instead, buttercream, marzipan and sour cherry jam and a sugar icing. Just yummy! I never had the original chocolate recipe tho and there is no need to change it. 😉

Due the amount of work to bake and stuff each layer, it has to be a special occasion we eat the cake, round birthdays, wedding parties and christmas were one of those. But we haven't had the cake for a while now, I don't even remember when it was the last time for me.


Thank you for checking out my blog!

The inital of creating this online diary was a work and holiday program starting in September 2017, in Canada. After leaving the Canadian Westcoast in autumn 2020, I returned back to Germany for nearly two years where I already prepared my time in Japan where I stayed from 2022 October an entire year. After a couple months living in New Zealand I am about to head to new adventures, which I will let you know here on my blog.

You can find short stories and stunning images from the Canadian Westcoast, my hometown in Germany and Japan with its rich culture and delicious food.